Oh my goodness Lovelies, Mardi Gras is tomorrow!! We really felt like it snuck up on us this year! No matter how fast or show it comes each year, we always loves celebrating it. It is always so festive, over the top, full of color and down right fun. From beads and sparkles to the yellow, green and purple the details are so lovely. Since this year we don’t have a week to round up all of our favorite ideas for you, we decided to gather all of our Mardi Gras party favorites in today’s post. From desserts like cake pops and cupcakes to decorations like garland and decorated mason jars these ideas and inspirations are seriously lovely! Even the dessert bars we have gathered are full of inspiration. The great news is most of them are DIY so you can whip them up in a snap. We just know if you even just had one of these ideas at your party tomorrow it would be the star of the celebration. We are just smitten for all of this Mardi Gras eye candy and hope you are too.
{Oh my goodness, aren’t these the cutest Mardi Gras surprise cupcakes you have seen?! Get the DIY recipe and tutorial from I Am Baker.}
{We love how pretty these Mardi Gras cake pops are! A subtle color scheme but so gorgeous! Learn how to make these from 6 Bittersweets.}
{We just love this Mardi Gras party dessert table on Love Inc. Look at all of these fun treats! The feather centerpieces are out of this world too
{Check out this cool mardi gras bead place setting! Perfect right? Get the DIY from Mardi Gras Outlet.}
{This garland is a must for a Mardi Gras party! It is so big and bold and would look absolutely lovely anywhere you put it. Get the DIY from Mardi Gras Outlet.}
{We cannot get over how lovey these Mardi Gras mask cookies are from Sweetopia! Especially the sparkles!}
{We love all of the things you can do with mason jars including these fabulous ones for Mardi Gras from Queen Beader on Etsy.}
{We adore how fun this kids Mardi Gras table is on Starships And Laserbeams! Espeically the subtle rustic theme too it. We are sure the kids would love this!}
{We always have a soft spot for circle garland and this lovely one is just perfect for Mardi Gras! Get it from Any Occasion Banners on Etsy.}
{Gosh, these Mardi Gras cake pops from Pint Sized Baker are just so amazing! They are also green. purple and yellow on the inside too. Be sure to get the DIY!}
{We just adore this super cute party table and all of it’s supplies from Lauren Haddox Designs.}
[…] and that is exactly what we have rounded up for you today….Mardi Gras Treats! If you thought yesterday’s round up was cute, you are definitely going to think today’s is even cuter! Dog cookies with Mardi […]